Wednesday 10 August 2011

Ah, the blank page.

So pretty, so blank.

This isn't the first time I've written a welcome post for a blog - it's actually the third - but it's the first time I've had to welcome new readers while keeping back so many interesting tidbits about the coming blog! That's right, ladies and gentlemen, there's an air of secrecy around this little blog. Not for long, I promise you, but just for now, the deep dark secret that fuels this blog will be surrounded in mystery! Okay, I'm kidding. There's nothing 'deep' or 'dark' about this secret, we just like to mess with you.

The things you can be sure of are as follows: firstly, this is first and foremost a blog about writing, which means our posts are going to be made of words and exciting ideas. And secondly, this is a project-driven blog. Although it is a secret for now, there is a premise behind our posts (which, I promise, will be brimming with wit and ambrosial content.) We're not just blogging for the funsies - though blogging is hella fun - we're blogging to share our combined experiences with you, our new reader.

So, hello and welcome to the Words of Walker and Edwards. I have been Walker, I suspect Edwards is already in bed having her beauty sleep, and you have been a wonderful audience.

Yours, Kate.